
It's Time to Start Your Adventures

During your natural hair care journey you will have a lot of questions. Although I answer many of these questions in the Curl 5 articles you may thirst for more knowledge and that is where this lovely page comes in handy.

Here you find online natural hair care courses, schools, and support groups to help you along your journey.

paper, business, document
Helpful Books

A few great books to help you during your natural hair and self-care journey.


Take your skills to the next level with these amazing step by step hair styling guides.

Natural Hair Schools

Want to be a hair guru? Here's great place to start!

Must have hairstyling tools and equipment

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there are some basic tools that belong in your hair styling kit.

Why Extra Support?

With all the information that’s online about natural hair care sometimes researching one particular topic can seem overwhelming.  Hopefully this collection of material can help you:

What You Get

The extra support provided by the books, tutorials, schools, and product reviews provide valuable support at critical points in your natural hair care journey.